Christmas events in Leighton Buzzard - 2019
Things to do this festive season in Leighton Buzzard:
As a local taxi service we are uniquely placed to find out about the events happening in our area when we drop off our customers! Here’s a small selection of events happening this year:
1. ‘Woodland Fairy Fun’ for ages 6-12 at Rushmere Country Park (30th November 2019):
Rushmere Park is offering a fun event for to get little ones in the Christmas mood (on the day before they open this year’s first advent window!) . The event features story telling in the woodland as well as indoor crafts. Find out more.
2. Christmas Festival organised by Leighton-Linslade Council (29th November - 1st December 2019):
A recurring event is the festival in the High Street and Church Square. Starting Friday (29th November) with the Christmas light switch on, the festival promises a weekend full of festive themed events: including, a Santa’s Grotto on Saturday and a traditional family day on Sunday More information.
3. ‘Santa Steam Trains’ at Leighton Buzzard Narrow Gauge Railway (December 2019):
Leighton Buzzard Railway is a popular day out in Leighton Buzzard all year round; first switching to a passenger train in 1968 as it was previously used to transport goods to and from the quarries in the area. This year the line is holding a variety of Christmas events including Mince Pie Specials, Santa After Dark & Santa Specials.
4. One for the little ones, ‘The Night Before Christmas’ at Leighton Buzzard Library Theatre (7th December 2019):
The Full House Theatre attempts to capture the magic of Christmas Eve through a child’s eyes. Following ‘the festive adventures of the Secret Society of Santa Hunters (SSSH!)’ the event promises a family friendly event ‘bursting with festive cheer.’ Tickets are selling out so we recommend booking early! Buy tickets here.
5. A local Christmas Concert (Saturday, 14th December):
Source:, Nigel Cox / Leighton Buzzard: All Saints Church / CC BY-SA 2.0
All Saints Church (Church Square) is hosting a concert to bring some traditional Christmas music to Leighton Buzzard. Featuring Saint-Saens’ Christmas Oratorio and The Three Ships by Eric Thiman, the event promises an evening of varied music from the Romantic to Modern period. Ticket Information, Other events at All Saints Church, including traditional Christmas Eve carols.
Whether you fancy a glass (or a couple!) of mulled wine, or simply don’t want to battle for parking, we can help take the stress out of transport this festive season. Give us a call for competitive quotes to any of these events on 01525850605.
*Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the validity of these events, Dialacar Taxis are in no way affiliated or sponsored by any of the organisations listed above and accept no liability for losses related to any of the information provided. Further, we are not responsible for the information provided on the web pages linked.